Take a long hard look at your educational and employment history and list the skills and qualifications that may be transferable.
Personal development training shows that you're actively engaged with keeping relevant and life-long learning. Leadership roles show that you can guide a team to successfully finish projects and have the interpersonal skills to keep everyone on track. Awards show that you're a creative thinker and valued staff member, and volunteer projects let future employers know that you're passionate and have a strong work ethic.
All of these things count. Employers across all industries are now starting to place more importance than ever on 'soft skills' such as problem solving and communication.
Now’s not the time to be modest. List all of your achievements and see if you can match them up with attributes required in your dream role. Word your achievements in a way that keeps them relevant with the industry you’re looking into. Meeting targets, working autonomously and in teams, and coming up with creative solutions are all skills that are transferable across almost all industries.
Listing your big picture wins is a great way to showcase your skills, but don’t get lost in small details that will mean nothing to a new employer. Going in-depth about your skills in a niche software program unheard of outside of your current industry isn’t going to earn you any favours.
Investing in training is investing in your own knowledge bank. It shows employers that you’re keen, focused, and skilled up.
Despite having the skills to work in some roles, you might find that you don't have the piece of paper you need to land your dream job. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an efficient way to have your skills recognised with a formal qualification. Alternatively, you may also consider building on or upgrading your existing skills with a short course or micro-credential.